
Students learning about the impact of VR in CS4267 Effects of VR Technologies

My experience and passion in teaching is demonstrated in two areas: communication research methods and new media influence on individuals and society.

I love teaching students how to conduct good and sound empirical research, by understanding the different research methods available at their disposal, and applying them through meaningful and impactful research.

I also enjoy teaching students to critically analyze the impact of new media technologies on individuals and society, using theoretical perspectives to make sense of technology’s place and value in their lives.

I am particularly excited to educate students on the influence of mixed reality technologies such as VR and AR, their uses and abuses as an emerging media, and how to effectively use these tools to create engaging content, such as 360-degree storytelling content and journalism pieces.

Courses taught:

CS2008Fundamentals of Research
CS2057Media Effects
CS4037Audience Research Methods
CS4042Advanced Research Methods
CS4092New Media and Society
CS4267Effects of VR Technologies
CS4320Immersive Journalism